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Header Graphic with word Belief Statement

The foundation of our faith is rooted in love. God Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, loves us. He is perfect, holy, and sovereign, deserving all praise. We believe in one God in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.



We believe in God the Father, the Alpha and Omega, the Great I AM of the Bible, and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is holy, righteous, perfect, and powerful, with no darkness in Him. He breathed life into humanity and created us in His image. He is our loving Father who made a way for us to have communion with Him in this life and to live eternally with Him in the next.



We believe that Jesus is the true Messiah, the resurrected Christ, and the Son of God. Anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jesus embodies God’s love and fulfills the Old and New Testament covenants. Born of a virgin, fully man and fully God, Jesus conquered sin and death. Through His ultimate sacrifice, we receive access to the Father by inviting Him to be our personal Lord and Savior.


Holy Spirit:

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, omnipresent and boundless. He is the tangible love of the Father and the conduit for the power we have through Jesus. The Holy Spirit manifests in various ways, establishing peace and residing within Christ-followers. He is our comforter, brings wisdom, intercedes on our behalf, and reveals Jesus to us.



We believe that the Christian Bible is the divine, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. Though written by human hands, its texts are God-breathed. The concepts, words, and facts within it are the highest form of truth. All our beliefs are based on scripture. Living by biblical principles glorifies God, providing tools to navigate and thrive in life. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.


Free Will:

We believe that God created us with free will, not as robots. We freely choose to follow Him. God does not violate our free will, and it is not His fault when we stray from His Word's protective guidelines. As long as we have breath, we can seek a relationship with God by choosing Him and His ways over our carnal desires. We all fall short of His glory, needing a savior—Jesus. He freely forgives and showers us with grace when we repent. His kindness leads us to repentance.


Statement of Values



Our mission is to love God and people. We believe the relationship between God and humanity is rooted in unconditional love, and we are committed to sharing this love without bias or prejudice wherever we go.



We honor God above all, as He is worthy of all honor and praise. Every testimony, salvation, and soul freed is for His glory. We also honor people, recognizing their unique and diverse backgrounds and belief systems. We strongly oppose discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or political affiliation. Everyone is on their own journey, and we affirm that no one is beyond God's heart or His desire to see them walk in His love and blessing. We will not force our beliefs on anyone, nor will we compromise our devalue our beliefs or values for anyone.



We speak the truth as we have come to know it in love, rooted in the infallible and inerrant Word of God, not in human opinions or emotions.



We serve faithfully with boldness while maintaining humility, remaining open to receiving correction and not being beyond reproach.



We minister with utmost integrity, both online and in person, creating a safe, loving, and honoring environment for people of all races, ages, genders, and religions.



Our identity is in Jesus. As believers, we embrace who God says we are according to His Word.



We believe in a powerful gospel where every knee will bow to the name of Jesus. Our foundation is built on His mighty name and His finished work on the cross. We minister and walk in His power as beloved sons and daughters under His headship.



We believe the joy of the Lord is our strength. We reject any external influences that do not align with the fruits of the Spirit, which include joy. Guilt, shame, condemnation, fear, deception, racism, sexism, or anything else not represented in the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5) have no place in Rebuilt Ruins Ministries.


Our Stance on Healing


At Rebuilt Ruins Ministries, healing is a core part of our mission. Over the years, we have witnessed countless instances of Jesus healing people physically, spiritually, and emotionally through prayer and the laying on of hands. We firmly believe that God’s healing power is available to everyone and that He is not a respector of person's. If He can heal one, He can heal all!


Physical Healing:

We have seen thousands of physical healings, including:

  • Restoration of sight to the blind

  • Hearing restored to the deaf

  • Cancer disappearing

  • Immediate relief from headaches and migraines

  • Miraculous disappearance of pain in backs, hips, necks, arms, legs, hands, feet, and sides

  • Tumors dissolving

  • Skin healing over open wounds

  • People walking without assistance from wheelchairs and crutches

  • Growth in legs and arms, restoration of arches in feet

  • Relief from tooth pain

  • Wombs opening for women who were previously unable to conceive


These miracles give glory and honor to God, whose power makes all things possible. We believe that God desires for you to be healed, and we continue to pray for physical healing until it manifests or we are released by God to stop.

Watch a brief healing teaching on our YouTube Channel


Emotional Healing

God values our emotions as much as our physical well-being. At Rebuilt Ruins Ministries, we are well versed in SOZO and other inner healing techniques. We serve a God who transforms lives and restores what the enemy has broken. Many have found healing from deep emotional wounds through our ministry.


Emotional healing can be sensitive, and we respect the process. Our sessions are consent-based to ensure comfort and readiness for healing.


Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing often brings about physical and emotional restoration. Jesus came to set captives free, and we operate under His authority. By inviting God’s presence and standing on His word, we fight spiritual battles with the most powerful weapon—faith.


We have seen freedom from spiritual oppression, demonic torment, generational curses, and witchcraft. We address these issues with care and may require a consent form for those seeking spiritual healing.


At Rebuilt Ruins Ministries, we remain committed to contending for healing in all its forms, trusting in God's timing and sovereignty. If you need healing, we invite you to reach out and experience the transformative power of God.


Our Stance on Deliverance


At Rebuilt Ruins Ministries, we are a dedicated resource for those seeking freedom from demonic oppression. We stand firmly on our Christ-given authority through the powerful name of Jesus. Our expertise includes breaking generational curses, dismantling soul-ties, tearing down strongholds, stopping spiritual torment and oppression, and ultimately casting out demons. This is not deliverance lite.


While we occasionally use inner healing techniques, please note that we are not a "SOZO" type inner healing ministry, nor are we licensed counselors. We fully support inner healing and Christian counseling, but our sessions are focused on deliverance—specifically, getting demons out of people.


A Unique Approach to Deliverance

We understand that deliverance is a controversial subject, and many churches either avoid it or offer a "lite" version that does not involve direct confrontation and interrogation of demons, dismantling their legal rights, in-depth generational curse-breaking, or casting out demons by name. If you are looking for deliverance lite, our ministry may not be the right fit for you.

Many individuals who come to us have experienced deliverance lite elsewhere and were told they were free from demons, yet they remain oppressed and tormented. We respect the previous ministries you have received and build upon what God has already done. Our mission is not to cause division with your church or spiritual leaders but to help you achieve complete freedom through Jesus.


Body, Soul, Spirit

We believe, in alignment with Hebrews 4:12, that humans consist of three distinct parts: body, soul, and spirit. The body is the physical flesh, the soul comprises the mind, will, emotions, and heart, and the spirit is the unique part that God breathed life into at conception.


We see that the devil often targets Christians, and they can be demonized in various degrees within their soul and flesh. However, we firmly believe that a Christian's spirit, once saved by Jesus, is seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above demonic attacks.


Spiritual Warfare in the Soul

Many who suffer from demonic harassment, torment, oppression, or possession have roots and legal rights for the enemy hidden within their soul. Our sessions focus on identifying and tearing down these strongholds using spiritual warfare weapons that are mighty in God.

If you are experiencing demonic harassment or oppression and seek freedom, we invite you to learn more about our deliverance process or set up a session with us.


Need Deliverance?

For those that need deliverance or would like to learn more about our Deliverance Sessions Click HERE.


Additional Deliverance Resources

  • For more information on deliverance, check out our Top 5 recommended Deliverance books Click HERE.

  • To view and purchase Anointing Oil from our very own Heavenly Scent Anointing oil line Click HERE.

  • We have TON'S of awesome content on our YouTube Channel including spiritual warfare training, interactive curse breaking prayers, encouraging short vides, and much more. To view the channel Click HERE.


Our Stance on The Prophetic 


At Rebuilt Ruins Ministries, we recognize the vital role of prophetic ministry. There’s a distinction between the office of a prophet, a kingdom governmental position in the five-fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13), and the gift of prophecy, a spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 12:10). True God-ordained prophets are gifts to the church.



Prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul urges us to "pursue love, yet earnestly desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy" (1 Corinthians 14:1). We believe walking in the prophetic is integral to being a follower of Christ. The more we commune with God, the more we can speak, hear, and feel His heart for others.


When delivering a prophetic word, we adhere to scriptural guidelines: edifying, equipping, and encouraging the body of Christ. We understand many have been hurt by inaccurate or improperly delivered words in the past. Therefore, we ensure our words align with love and honor. We prepare individuals by explaining they have control over the word—they can accept it, hold onto it, or reject it entirely. Once delivered, the word becomes their responsibility.


God's word never returns void and will not contradict scripture. He is a God of love, peace, and clarity, not confusion or division.


Words of Knowledge

We have seen the Lord use words of knowledge powerfully during prayer. Sometimes these words are for a group, while other times they are specific and spontaneous, relevant to an individual. These insights, unknown to us prior, connect people with God’s heart and demonstrate His intimate knowledge of their lives.

Words of knowledge have facilitated miraculous healings, deliverance, and breakthroughs. They reveal God’s deep care and understanding of our needs. We encourage you to seek this spiritual gift and experience the transformative power of God’s knowledge.


Dream Interpretation

Did you know there is a Biblical way to interpret dreams? Throughout scripture, God speaks to His people in dreams, offering guidance and revelation. For example, Daniel and Joseph both received and interpreted dreams, unlocking divine favor and insight.

Dream interpretation is becoming more accepted in Christian circles. If you’re experiencing recurring dreams or believe God is speaking to you through dreams, we encourage you to pray for interpretation. Keeping a dream journal helps track and understand these messages.

Not all dreams are from God—some stem from our flesh or are influenced by the enemy. However, even in the most oppressive nightmares, God can bring peace and purpose. Romans 8:28 assures us that He works all things for good for those who love Him.


Night Time Parables

Jesus often spoke in parables, saying, "The kingdom of heaven is like..." Dreams are like night-time parables, full of metaphoric meanings that, with prayer, can reveal personal lessons from God.


Dream Symbols

While symbols can aid in dream interpretation, the context is paramount. Each dream is unique, and the Holy Spirit provides the revelation needed to understand the symbols within the context of your dream. Trust in the Holy Spirit for the true meaning behind your dreams.


Additional Resources

Explore our Top 5 Favorite Dream Interpretation books for further learning: Click Here

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