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The below form outlines ministry protocol, procedures, and team member requirements for being on the Rebuilt Ruins Ministries (RRM) ministry team. The goal and purpose of these protocols, procedures, and team member requirements is to protect the ministry, the team, our clients, and those who attend RRM sessions/events/services. We also aim to be good stewards of God's anointing and calling on this ministry. We are the tip of the spear in an extremely savage war. Unification and agreement are very important.

Ministry Protocol, Procedures, Team Requirements
Team Member Requirements: 
I understand that my agreement to the following is a requirement to minister on the RRM Ministry Team
Ministry Protocol:
I understand that my agreement to the following is a requirement to minister on the RRM Ministry Team

Session Protocol:

-Prior to a person coming in for a ministry session, they have been in contact with Matt for weeks, sometimes months during the scheduling process. They have filled out a lengthy Deliverance Questionnaire form that has been studied and prayed over. They have also been sent a preparation video 24-36 hours prior to coming in that includes a basic curse-breaking prayer as well as some forgiveness and repentance exercises.


-Before any ministry takes place client must sign the RRM Ministry Waiver.


-Ideally, the first part of a session focuses on ushering in the presence of God. Helping the client connect with the safety of Jesus, walking them through any leftover unforgiveness & repentance, then establishing their verbal declaration of Jesus’s Lordship and their free will to do what it takes to get the enemy out via Introductory Curse Breaking prayer.


-Intermediary soultie-breaking prayer followed by specific curse-breaking renunciations from their form.


-Minister to the soul via Hebrews 4:12, identify any soul pieces that may need inner healing. Separate any demons off of the soul pieces, and bind them. Align soul pieces with Jesus.


-Get demons to manifest, bind them and find out their structure: Including names, when they came in, who they came in through, any legal rights, and assignments. Make sure to document this entire process to ensure accurate information. Then put the demon down and get the person to renounce the specifics of the demon's legal rights.


-Once demonic kingdom has been exposed, assignments canceled, legal rights broken, all subservient demons bound to the chief demon, begin expulsion protocol.


-Before expulsion protocol educate the person on the different ways demons can come out and assure them it is different for everybody. Better out than in when it comes to puking. Have a bucket on standby.


-Expulsion Protocol: Ideally have the demon state it’s name and bind its kingdom to itself. Then have it admit that it has no more rights, lift every curse, relinquish all it has stolen as well as release it’s hold on the future generations of the client. Have it receive the judgement of Christ, then command it to send itself to the pit. Sometimes reminding the demon it is bound by its word is helpful.


-After expulsion, ministry lead to seal up the person in prayer. Anoint with oil. Credit, thank, give glory to Jesus, Refill the person with Holy Spirit Fire, Peace of Christ, Love of Father


-Ministry lead to explain follow-up process with link to After Session Recommendations, Donation Options, and Feed Back Form. Donations go to Rebuilt Ruins Ministries unless otherwise specifically designated by client or approved by Pastor Matt. 


-The ministry lead then opens up for the team to bless the person with encouraging word or scripture. This is not the time to open anything else up, even if discerned there is more ministry to go in future sessions. This time should be spent encouraging and filling the person up with hope.


 -After client leaves, team to pray out together, “dust off” ask the Lord to cleanse each teammate, the room, the building, etc. Give God glory and praise again, and thank Him for allowing us to partake and establish His will here on earth as it is in Heaven.

Statement of Beliefs

The core of our faith is rooted in love. God almighty, creator of heaven and earth loves us. He is perfect, He is holy, and there is no power or reign greater than His. He is worthy of all praise. We believe in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three distinct “persons”, one God.


​Father: We believe God the Father to be The Alpha and Omega, The great I AM of the Bible. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (kudos to our Jewish friends). He is holy and righteous, perfect and powerful. There is no darkness in Him. Not only did He breathe life into man, but He created us in His image. He is our loving Father who made a way for us to have communion with Him in this life and live eternally with Him in the next.​


Son: We believe that Jesus is the true Messiah. He is the resurrected Christ, the Son of God and anyone who believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life. He is the epitome of God’s love and the fulfillment of Old and New Testament covenant. Born of a virgin, fully man and fully God, Jesus conquered sin/death, and by His ultimate sacrifice, we receive access to the Father through inviting Him to be our personal Lord and Savior.  


Holy Spirit: We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. Time and space as we understand it cannot contain Him. He is always present, He is the tangible love of the Father, He is the vehicle for the power we have through Jesus, and He manifests in many different ways. His weighted presence establishes peace, and as Christ followers, we carry Him in us. He is our comforter, He brings wisdom, and He intercedes to the Father on our behalf. It is through Him that we come to know Jesus.  


Bible: We believe that the Christian Bible is the divine infallible, inerrant Word of God. The texts are God-breathed yet written by human hands. The concepts, words, facts, etc. within are the highest form of truth, and all of our beliefs are based on scriptures contained within it. We also believe that choosing to live by biblical principles glorifies God! He has given us the tools inside His Word not only to navigate through life but to thrive! Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.


​Free Will: We believe that God did not create us to be robots. He has given us free will, and we freely choose to choose Him! We do not believe that He will violate our free will under any circumstance, and it is not His fault when we stray from the protective guidelines of His Word. As long as we have breath in our lungs, we have the opportunity to seek relationship with God. We do that by choosing Him and His ways over our carnal desires. We all fall short of His glory, and that’s why we need a savior (Jesus). He freely forgives us and showers us with grace when we choose to repent. It’s His kindness after all that leads us to repentance in the first place!​

Statement of  Values

Here are the core values that shape the culture of Rebuilt Ruins Ministries. This is how we follow Christ and the heart in which we believe He entrusted His disciples to use to form His church.


Love: Simply put, we aim to love God and love people. We believe the underlying narrative between God and man is rooted in love without bias or prejudice and we in turn are vessels to distribute this love everywhere we go. 


Honor: First and foremost, we honor God. He is worthy of all honor and praise. Every testimony that comes out of this ministry, every salvation gained, soul freed and heart drawn closer to Him is all for His glory. We also believe in honoring people. We are very aware that those who come to us for ministry have unique and diverse backgrounds and belief systems. We take a strong stance on not discriminating against any person based on their Race, Gender, Sexual Preference, Religious or Political Affiliation. We recognize and affirm that everyone is on their own journey, and that no matter what part of that journey they are on, they are not outside of God's heart or will to see them walk in the fullness of His love and blessing. We will not force our beliefs or values on anyone, nor will we compromise or devalue our beliefs or values for anyone. ​


Honesty: We will speak the truth as we have come to know it in love. Our truth is rooted in the infallible inerrant word of God, not the opinions or emotions of humanity. 


Humility: Our heart is to serve faithfully with boldness yet also be humble enough to receive and not be beyond reproach or correction. 

Integrity: It costs zero dollars to be a decent human being. Online and in person we purpose to minister with the utmost integrity, creating and facilitating a safe, loving and honoring environment for people of all races, ages, sexes, religions, etc. 

Identity: Our identity is in Jesus. We believe that as believers we are who God says we are in His word. 


Power: We do not believe in a weak or powerless gospel. We believe that every knee (WITHOUT EXCEPTION or COMPROMISE) will bow to the name of Jesus, and it is in His mighty name and finished work on the cross that we have built our foundation upon. We minister and walk in His power as beloved sons and daughters under His headship.​


Joy: We believe the joy of the Lord is the source of our strength, so we do not entertain external stimuli that would try to influence us to participate in ministry with a heart full of anything other than the fruits of His Spirit which includes a heavy emphasis on joy.


Guilt, shame, condemnation, fear, deception, racism, sexism, or anything else not represented within the fruits of His Spirit (listed in Galatians chapter 5) has no place here within this ministry. 

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us!

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