Many people prophesied that 2020 would be a year of clarity and vision. Then March hit and all craziness broke loose! As the world navigated through a global pandemic one thing became abundantly clear. The church was faced with a choice to either not gather (which was mandated by most local governments), or figure out a way to safely gather. Don't worry this is not a political blog post!
I am super excited to share with you 5 items that I believe can help a small ministry, a home church, a life group, or some people that want to get together and worship God during a time when gathering in a building may not be available or looked upon with favor. Let’s face it, people got comfortable worshipping God and being spiritually nurtured within the 4 walls of a building, and when that was stripped away, many people not only stopped fellowshipping with other believers, they downward spiraled into depression, addiction, anxiety and worse.
We were designed for community. Where two or three are gathered, God is in their midst. There are many Bible verses that highlight how important it is to fellowship within the body of believers. One of my favorite buzz phrases floating around out there right now is that “The Church has left the building!”. So if you don’t have a building to gather in right now, or if you simply want to take church outside, I pray that the following list blesses you. Remember at the end of the day WE are the church and we are not limited to only worship inside of buildings.
Aside from your Bible, here are what I believe to be 5 Essential Items For Hosting Portable Church:
1. Pre-filled Communion Cups. These perfect little single serve communion portions can be individually distributed amongst your tribe. The wafer and the juice are both sealed, no refrigeration is needed, and they hold about a year’s shelf life from date of mfg.
Here is a link to a 100 cup box:
2. Offering Envelopes. Collecting an offering is something that many churches and ministries do at their services. Without getting into all the bad examples of corruption and mismanagement of money that some leaders fall into, I want to focus on the honest men and women of God who run their churches and ministries with honor and steward the money that comes in with integrity. People want to tithe, they want to give offerings and sow into fertile soil. If you’re running a legit church or ministry that is doing Kingdom work, God will stir up hearts to fund it. Even if it’s a home church or life group, you can still take an offering and put the money towards something that will further the Kingdom.
Here is a link to a 125 pack of Offering Envelopes:
3. Bluetooth Speaker & Microphone Combo. Many groups use worship as an integral part of their services and gatherings. You don’t need anything fancy to praise God, and you can absolutely do that without electronics. In-fact this portable Bluetooth speaker PA system is probably overkill, but for the price it’s a pretty good investment and has some really cool features that enable you to do quite a few things. You can stream worship from your smartphone or laptop, charge your devices, as well as preach or speak from the microphone which extends your voice for more people to hear. This particular model can be used as a very functional ministry tool especially during these times of social distancing.
Here’s the link:
4. Folding Table. You would be surprised how convenient having a folding table or two can be when hosting a gathering outside. You can place just about anything for your service on it and under it. Slap a throwaway table cloth on top of it, and you’re ready to go!
Here is a link to one of the highest rated ones on Amazon:
5. Rebuilt Ruins Ministries Anointing Oil. I may be a little biased on this one, but those who know…know! If you’re the anointing type who likes to anoint themselves prior to speaking, or anoint others while praying for them, give Rebuilt Ruins Ministries Heavenly Scent Anointing oil a try! We have 4 amazing scents that many people say absolutely ushers in the peace and presence of God. There’s a little intro video about anointing oil that explains some of the benefits and scriptural references in our store. Feel free to watch that for more info.
Here is a link to see the different oils that we typically have in stock:
I hope this list blesses you and gives you some outside of the box ideas that can help you mobilize and take church out to the streets. You can use most of these items in a park, a backyard, the beach, a lake, camping, a street corner, wherever. I am not endorsing or condoning breaking any laws, so be mindful of local ordinances. I would also recommend following your counties suggested health and safety guidelines/protocols should you choose to meet up in person. Politics and controversial opinions aside, I encourage everyone to use wisdom and think we can all agree that safety is a pretty important topic these days.
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Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. As an Amazon Associate: Rebuilt Ruins Ministries may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through links on this post.