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5 Top Reasons Why It’s Crucial to Read Your Bible Daily!

Writer's picture: Matthew GrossmanMatthew Grossman

Let's be real…it’s not very convenient to carry a Bible around with you everywhere you go and on the rare occasion that you do, the chances of opening it up and reading it at every location you visit is probably pretty slim. Yet as a believer and follower of Jesus it is crucial for us to spend time DAILY in God’s word. In this blog I’m going to recommend a free DIGITAL Bible resource that I personally use and really enjoy! I’m also going to give you 5 top reasons why it’s crucial to read your Bible daily.

We live in a digital age where experts project upwards of 3.8 billion smartphone users in 2021. Western culture has done it’s best to innovatively solve problems via modern technology and creative solutions that some people would say have subliminally infused societal thinking with instant gratification, short attention spans, and more time spent in front of digital screens. Our current generation of school aged children are probably more advanced when it comes to learning and understanding the latest tech than we are! So where and how does God and Bible reading fit into all of this? Instead of carrying around a Bible, you can download a Bible right onto your phone and access it anytime and anywhere you’d like! Keep reading to the end for some pro-tips on this.

Before going any further, I want to make it clear that the heart of this blog is not to condemn modern technology. Years ago, when I first got into ministry, I felt a very strong leading from the Lord to start up an Instagram page with the sole purpose of sharing daily Bible verses, Christian quotes, and messages the Lord put on my heart. Many of you reading this right now probably found this blog through some avenue of Rebuilt Ruins Ministries social media presence. It’s to His glory that we reach over a million people every month through posting daily on our social media accounts. The origin of Rebuilt Ruins Ministries is a story for another day, but if you’re interested you can find us on: Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. You can also find out more information about us on our website.

Here are 5 Top Reasons Why It’s Crucial to Read Your Bible Daily!

Reason 1: We can learn how to navigate through and around life’s obstacles with Biblical wisdom.

Proverbs 2:6 says that the Lord gives wisdom and from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. The Bible is the written word of God and it is packed with wisdom, direction, and principles that when followed will not only give guidance, but edify the reader who applies these principles to their life. The more you apply God's word to your life, the better positioned you will be to navigate through difficult situations.

Reason 2: Faith is built by learning God’s heart/character through His word.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 10:17 that faith comes by hearing the word of God. Faith is a big deal, and it’s built up by submerging yourself in God’s word. The more you read or listen to His word, the more your Spirit is fed and as a result your faith will grow! You will begin to see God’s character through His word and as He draws you closer to Him, your faith increases because you begin to see how awesome He truly is!

Reason 3: Personal relationship with God is nurtured by spending time with Him in His word.

It’s easy to pray to God when you need something, but that’s a pretty one-sided relationship and you’re missing out on the more that God has for you if that is the extent of your communication with Him. When you start reading the Bible, use that time to appreciate who God really is. He is so much more than a genie in a bottle awaiting your next demand. God inspired man to write those words in the Bible, because within them His nature and character are revealed. Through His words you will come to see that you are the center of His affection and He wants lasting and meaningful relationship with you because we are His most prized creation!

Reason 4: God’s word is the most powerful weapon you can use in spiritual warfare.

2nd Corinthians 10:4 says that our weapons are not carnal but mighty through God to pull down strongholds. God’s word is an actual weapon against evil. It is a double-edged sword and sharp enough to divide soul and spirit. As you read His word and learn how to wield it against the enemy, you will become spiritually stronger and able to fend off the spiritual attacks that come against you. You must stand on God’s word and declare it against anything contrary trying to occupy your thoughts. You can see a very clear example of how Jesus did this in the book of Luke chapter 4:1-13

Reason 5: God’s word transforms and renews your mind by bringing out your true identity.

Gods Spirit is liberating! He is holy and righteous and there is no blemish or darkness in Him. When we encounter Him and begin to allow His words to soak into our spirit, we start to take on His character because His words carry life and blossom inside of us. The Bible is full of verses that call out the gold inside of us. God’s truth about who we are in Christ is the purest and most accurate form of our true identity. This is something you need to experience and believe on a personal level, and this revelation comes by repeatedly reminding yourself that you are who God says you are.

“Ok Pastor, I’ve read these 5 steps and they resonate. What should I do next?”

I’m glad you asked! Your next step is to open a Bible and start reading it!

“But where do I start? What book do I read first? What translation? Where do I even get a Bible?”

Great questions! I personally want to recommend a free app that can instantly help you on this journey. Don’t get overwhelmed, start simple. Maybe you read a couple verses a day, then gradually work into a chapter a day. The most important thing is to start somewhere, and do it daily!

YouVersion is one of the best Bible apps out there, and it’s FREE! The tools available in app are very user friendly. You can highlight, take notes, create Bible verse images, start reading plans on your own or with friends, browse through devotionals, set reminder notifications, or just read the Bible. They also have audible bibles for certain translations where you can listen to someone read it for you. I personally recommend the NASB Translation because it’s easy to understand and a great place to start. You can get your free copy of the YouVersion Bible App here:

You have your Bible app, you’re set up with the NASB translation, now go to their plans and search for a plan on the Book of John. There is a series of devotionals on there by a group called Bible Project. If you’re just starting out, or if you want to get some good solid teaching, you can’t go wrong browsing through their plans.

I want to encourage you to read your Bible daily! Be it through an app, or a hardcopy, seek and honor the Author by routinely reading and getting His words into your spirit!

Thanks so much for reading my blog! If it brought you value, please consider subscribing to this site and following Rebuilt Ruins Ministries on social media! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

If you would like to check out or purchase a physical hard copy of one of the Bibles that I personally use, please consider doing so from our Amazon Affiliate link:

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. As an Amazon Associate: Rebuilt Ruins Ministries may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made through links on this post.

1 Comment

Sharon Hunter
Sharon Hunter
Nov 05, 2023

Grateful for this blog and this info. I have had much resistance to reading the Bible, now after a deliverance session, I am encouraged to try again.

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