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Generational Blessings

I spend a lot of time ministering to people and helping them dismantle generational curses. The freedom that they receive unlocks generational blessings that the enemy purposed to steal, kill and destroy. A prayer that is very near and dear to my heart goes something like this: “Lord let the ceiling of blessings, anointing, and favor in my life be the floor from which you will build upon in my child’s life.”

We can and should proactively sow into our future generations. It’s one of the most important things we can do. If you have children, grandchildren, great-grands, nieces, nephews, or even children in your life who are not blood-related to you but God has entrusted you with access and influence in their family's lives, I want to encourage you to step up to the plate and point these kids towards Jesus. Not just with your words, but with the way you live your life. Their little eyes see much more than we as a society realize.

Kids and young adults these days are bombarded with stimuli that does not honor God.

I want to encourage us all to be a light in their life and a bigger, better influence on them than what the world is throwing at them.

It’s the beginning of the Christmas season at the time I am writing this blog and I want to share a testimony of a tradition that I have started in my own house during this wonderful time of year.

Before our daughter was born, I came across a book by Ann Voskamp called: Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas. This book has beautiful illustrations and an amazingly well-written story that presents God’s love for people from creation to the cross. This book is perfect for children of all ages and helps prepare their (and your) heart for the true meaning of Christmas. Eight years later, this is the year that our daughter has really grasped onto this book. We read it daily by our little lit-up Christmas tree and have discussions that absolutely make my heart melt.

It's broken into bite-sized yet incredibly deep daily devotions that zone in on our true identity and include scriptures, discussion questions, and suggested activities that you can do as a family to reinforce each day’s reading. I can’t even begin to describe how much this book means to my family, and I recommend this book to anyone who wants to sow into their future generations. It’s a great resource to start a new family tradition each year, and it also would make a wonderful gift for any family with school-aged kids.

If you’re interested in picking up a copy or two, feel free to click here

Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas

We are all in this together, and little tools like helping our children understand their value in relation to the true meaning of Christmas absolutely brings forth generational blessings and can help us equip our future generations to make the world a better place. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and grab your copy of Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas today!

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