Here are some amazing testimonies of what God is doing through Rebuilt Ruins Ministries!
These testimonies are from real people who submitted our after session feedback form.
Names have purposely been left off to protect the privacy of each individual.
Very safe and caring environment as deep-rooted issues were identified by the Holy Spirit and dealt with.
Everyone needs a good house cleaning once in awhile... I am surprised after so many years in the church and in service that I could be tormented by so many things hiding just under the surface... Thanks to Matt and his team I feel cleaner than ever before and more empowered to stay that way.
I want to thank Matt and his team for helping me with a very bad demon in me. They never gave up on me and they were able to free me of this awful thing. I felt the Holy Spirit enter me and rid me of this demon. God bless Matt and his team and Rebuilt Ruins for everything they do for the community 🙏

Amazing! Life changing! Matt and his team made me feel so comfortable, I knew I was in a safe place. I had some areas I could not overcome and didn't know why. Then boom! Much was revealed and removed from my soul. I left there lighter and felt like I was vibrating in a good way. I felt fully alive. I highly recommend this ministry if you truly want to be set free. God wants us free and sometimes we need some help. Blessings on Matt and team. Very dedicated and in tune with the Holy Spirit. Schedule your appt and go. You will be blessed!

I found Rebuilt Ministries online after doing some research for a deliverance ministry. I read the testimonies on the website and felt peace about booking an appointment to address some areas where the enemy was bringing torment and for deliverance over my blood line and generational issues. I was a little nervous going into the ministry session, but Matt and the team put me at ease. They were gentle, kind, and most importantly tuned in to the Holy Spirit. I left the session lighter, full of peace and joy, and felt so free. I am thankful to God for this ministry!
Had an awesome and very liberating deliverance session with Matt and his team. They are wonderful true Christians who love serving the LORD and helping others to get free from demonic oppression. They are also very thorough in deliverance process and make sure that no "hidden area" is left untouched, even if it takes hours! "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" - James 4:7. With Matt and his wonderful deliverance team you will be in safe and caring hands that will make all the devils tremble and run away into the pit where they belong!
I am beyond grateful that I was led to a deliverance session with Matt and his team. I had explored all the therapies the 'norm' has to offer but none ever released the grief, depression and low self-esteem I carried from a trauma which happened when I was 6. The process Matt leads you through brings you to realize what the word 'Freedom' really means. It will alter the direction of your life and all you can say is Thank You and To God Be the Glory!!!

Wow! What an amazing team and powerful experience. I loved that it was prayerful, thorough and very pastoral. I felt very safe and connected to the team and God throughout the process. I appreciate Matt's leadership, communication and discernment and dependency on the Holy Spirit's leading and guidance. I'm amazed at the clarity in my mind and the peace in my heart days after the session. I feel very hopeful and content, and desire to spend time with God in fellowship and communion. My wife said she feels joyful and restful because of what I experienced. I highly recommend every believer especially those in leadership and ministry to receive a deliverance session from Matt and his team. Thank you, Matt and the amazing team that ministered to me! Love you.
My experience with Rebuilt Ruins deliverance ministry has truly set me free, praise God, praise Jesus. I experienced a deep inner healing facilitated by Pastor Matt and other witnesses that truly left me feeling, light, free and most of all the joy of The Lord washed over me like never before. I left with a renewed spirit; demons that were attached fled and I could feel the release spiritually & mentally. Chains were broke and I received healing from trauma of many forms. Holy Spirit truly guided everyone including me into the depths of places God needed to heal and lies that needed to be cast out. I felt safe and heard. The work this ministry does is truly a blessing to Gods children so we may all be set free in Jesus name. I am eternally grateful.
I am blown away by my entire experience with Rebuilt Ruins Ministries, from start to finish! God showed up big time and moved in powerful ways! Matt is incredibly gifted. He's knowledgeable, experienced, wise, grounded, gentle and kind, confident and bold, honors and loves Jesus passionately, so very grounded and sound and carries the big, loving heart of the Father. I showed up for my session apprehensive and somewhat fearful yet anticipating God to work. And, I left my session feeling lighter, at peace, hopeful, confident, so loved by the Lord, and very much freer and healed. Thank you Jesus and thank you Matt. If you get the opportunity to by blessed by Matt, please know you are in good hands and get ready to watch and experience God move in big, beautiful ways!
This was one of the greatest things I have ever done! The session was handled in a gentle way. The Deliverance team moves strategically to uncover every hidden spirit. I was set free from demons that have been oppressing my life and my ministry. Some of the stuff that came out was shocking, because I had no idea it was there. But I am grateful for the wisdom that Pastor Matt and his team operate in. They are stealth fighters that know how to deal with demonic oppression in a way that I’ve never seen. I am recommending this ministry to my family, friends, and our entire ministry team. Thank you Pastor Matt, and your team for setting me free! As I was walking out of the church, I could hear the spirit of the lord, saying to me, “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!”

I am beyond thankful for Matt and his team. I felt safe and cared for through the entire process. Matt truly has the love of Jesus flowing in and through him. His team is extraordinary and very attentive in prayer/intercession creating a very peaceful space knowing Jesus is with you and for you. Bless you all and may the Lord continue to increase your faith and love for Him and others. I appreciate your heart to see people set free and fighting the good fight of faith for Jesus. Much love!

Hello. I am so thankful for the ministry that God gave to Matt Grossman. I walked into a Rebuilt Ruins session with Matt and his team. My spiritual dilemma was a dire need for clarity. Without clarity, I went through days and nights filled with confusion. Even though my Christian walk with God appeared to be solid (I read God’s word daily and attend church) yet internally, my mind was filled with voices that caused double-mindedness and fear.
Matt and his team began by gingerly stepping into my life, and their engagement was completely of love! There was no judgment or condemnation. Matt read a scripture out of Hebrews 4:12…God’s word is living and active and full of power. It is sharper than any two edged sword, penetrating as far as the dividing of the soul and spirit…exposing the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
The prayers that Matt prayed were fruitful and powerful. Things that were hidden deep within my soul were exposed and cast out. We covered a lot of ground. God confirmed the conclusion of this session with vivid clarity, direction and peace. The air was filled with a beautiful witness of His presence. I walked away with assurance and peace. Thank you Matt and team!!
I received a huge breakthrough healing session, and I was delivered from a spirit of death that has been oppressing me my whole life. The spirits that were causing chronic illness, pride and lust were revealed. This ministry is life-changing in the best way possible! I have told all my family and friends about this ministry. Many lies from the devil were revealed during this session that showed me my identity in Christ and how the devil was using those lies to keep me from knowing Jesus’ love and plan for my life. Thank you, Holy Spirit, and thank you Matt, Julia and Tim for the healing, love and compassion shown during my session!
I had fought through madness, anger, and rage years of psych doctors with tons of medications some seemed to work THEN CAME SALVATION and Then the introduction to the Holy Spirit He broke the lie He is still here alive and well! The Spirit of Religion is a liar, but l came packing hidden demons. Yes professing Christians can carry in the enemy generational and circumstantial circumstance, and I know freedom is attainable with proper tried and trained people Thank you Matt and Team l am unpacked, and l will continue to fight the good fight of my salvation

I have been saved for many years and kept going thru deliverance service after deliverance service wondering why did I keep manifesting when I wasnt in sin. I was doing all that I could but it wasnt until I went to a deliverance session at Rebuilt Ruins Ministries that I was able to get to the root of these demons that were lying dormant in my life and hindering me from moving forward. I would always only have a few weeks of freedom before I would feel stuck in bondage all over again. I couldn't believe all that was holding me back from my past generations. Im so grateful to know that this ministry has helped so many others. I am a perfect example of living a sanctified life sold out for Jesus but needing to get to the root of the issues. But praise God I am free!
I am just amazed at the session I had with Pastor Matt and his team. I came in desperation to be set free from things that had been taunting me for many years. When first arriving, there I was nervous and afraid because I wasn’t sure what was really going to happen, but they reassured me the whole entire time that I was safe with them and most of all I am safe with God. During this deliverance session, God broke, generational curses that has been oppression my life and my families, life for years on top of years. Matt and his team is truly a Godsend from heaven. Now I can walk in the freedom that God wants me to walk in and be the authentic me. Thank you Matt and team.
I’m grateful for Rebuilt Ruins Ministries. I used to feel very heavy and sad almost of the time. I had learned to hold back tears very well or hide to sob where no one would find me. It was difficult for me to get out of bed or do anything productive unless I was compelled to by external pressure. I attended a prayer session this week. Since that time, I’ve become more engaged in daily activities, I’m more positive towards myself and others. I don’t seem to feel constantly sad and upset anymore. My outlook on life is much more hopeful.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to pray with the Rebuilt Ruins Ministries team.
Blessings to Pastor Matt, his team and our extended family in our Kingdom. I want to write a quick testimony on the goodness of God. I was fortunate to have a deliverance session with Pastor Matt and his team recently. It was very comforting to see the lord at work… as there were spirits flying in every direction ha… But although, my deliverance and inner healing is still a work in progress I truly walked away blessed and more in alignment with our father God, accompanied with Holy Spirit and all around me which I really needed. Brothers and sisters, keep asking, knocking and believin! Who the King sets free shall be free indeed. Much Love, Mega Blessings!

Matt and his team are excellent with caring for not only your heart through the process but also very informative during the session which brings peace in a very uncomfortable time. It’s hard to share your deepest darkest secrets but that’s where the enemy hides! Matt knows exactly what to ask and when to. His experience shows and I’m very grateful for the freedom Rebuilt ruins ministries has helped me receive through Jesus. I have seen and felt powerful positive changes in my life especially when it comes to rage and anger. It’s amazing the freedom you receive that you may not know you even needed! I was being tormented daily and didn’t even realize it. Lord Jesus bless this ministry and anyone reading this!

I went to Matt and his team for deliverance after being spiritually attacked during my prayer time continually had aches and pains in my body for several weeks. I knew this was all demonic attack.
I appreciated Matt's thoroughness in going through specific curse breaking and renouncing generational agreements. I had deliverances prior and I myself am trained in deliverance ministry so was very pleased (and learned new things!) by Holy Spirit's leading through Matt.
The end result of my deliverance was amazing! Generational demons and even from husband's side of the family were exposed and evicted, praise the Lord! I felt much lighter and free and am thankful for the dedication and persistence of Matt and the team.
I had a second Deliverance in late July 2023 and am so glad I did. “Whom the Son set’s free, is free indeed (John 8:36). I feel like a different person since my second deliverance. I had an old vow I had made many years ago even before I was a Christian, that I had completely forgotten about. The Holy Spirit reminded me about it sometime after my first deliverance. I repented of the vow, and the sins I had committed as the result of that vow even before I went for my second deliverance. But all of that was shared at my second deliverance session, which pointed to the things I needed to be delivered from. As a result, I felt I was being re-connected with Jesus in Heavenly places. Psalm 23 says “He restores my soul”
Thank you Pastor Matt You’re truly a blessing to the World!
The end result of my deliverance was powerful and eye opening! It brought much needed healing and forgiveness, I felt so light and free. I highly recommend deliverance through Rebuilt Ruins Pastor Matt is Amazing and powerful I’m so grateful for Pastor Matt and his Team!
I received powerful words after by the team of encouragement and prophetic words spoken over my life
I Learned the true about new age practices that it is demonic the devil can bless, but those blessings came with sorrow, and don’t last and eventually leads to destruction. God througout the day confirmed His love and presence help in my life. Thank you Lord I praise you and Love you You’re a Faithful God !

It is my Joy and blessing to TESTIFY about what happened in my life since I partner with Rebuilt Ruins Ministry’s Pastor Matt has truly impacted my life spiritually, financially and freedom just by SOWING into his Ministry where the anointing is without a doubt, God truly Honors and blessed our commitment and obedience . Thank you, Lord for Pastor Matt Ministry’s, and for his faithful heart in ALL that he is doing in advancing The Kingdom of GOD 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thank you Pastor Matt!!!
I have had 4 sessions with Matt Grossman and his team and each time I go the Holy Spirit leads the team into ushering more freedom for me I like to think of my soul as an onion that the lord peels back one layer at a time. Each time God reveals more and more so I can walk in my true destiny with confidence and identity in the Lord. I recommend doing multiple sessions because each time God reveals more, he wants to heal. Praise the lord for freedom and victory in Jesus name!
Happy Veterans Weekend, I honor our Veterans and their dedication to our Countries safety…. but I am also so incredibly grateful for the militant Spiritual Warriors that dedicate their time to battling for our spiritual lives and the saving of our souls. Shout out to Matt and his crew at Rebuilt Ruins Ministries who have gone to battle for me with all the armor and Grace with the love of Jesus Christ. Freedom from the enemies grip is real but God equips his saints for victory! praise God the battle was won!
I had a small amount of anxiety before the session, but it was quickly replaced with the kindness of the team. They were genuine and Matt explained everything and was reassuring. I see now how the enemy was hidden and strategic in undermining God's plan for my life. The pain in my hands for 9 years since a specific event was a tip off that Satan was involved. I had thought ministry would focus on certain things, but I was surprised at what God uncovered through Matt. He is a truly anointed minister of Jesus Christ.

This was my second deliverance with Matt and his team. We got some deep generational curses broken that went way back to specific forms of aztec witchcraft and child sacrifice. 15 minutes after my deliverance there were breakthroughs in relationships the enemy had been trying to destroy! Super thankful for what God is doing through Matt and how detailed he is to get to the root of generational curses!

I have tried to write a worthy testimony at least 6 times and end up thinking" oh this just doesn't say it good enough"!!!!! So, here's the bottom-line version. If you are drawn to, thinking of, having a session with Matt and his team, or if you are thinking that is the last thing I want to do!......either way, FILL OUT THE APPLICATION and do it~~~ You will be thanking The Lord every day thereafter.
Since going to see Matt Grossman I have experienced so much more freedom and joy. Breaking off all the generational curses was huge in that he dealt with my family line and my spouse's family line, as well. I have a new joy and freedom and tell everyone I know to go in and get a tune up, oil change and a new filter by the healing power of the Holy Spirit through the ministry of Rebuilt Ruins. You will never be the same!!! It is AMAZING!!!
In my deliverance session Matt explained everything they would be doing during the session, and I felt like I was in a room with family! I felt very safe, respected, NOT judged, and the session really helped me immensely! The Holy Spirit was abundantly present in the room we were in. I was getting visions and words of confirmation from the Holy Spirit. I would highly recommend this ministry to handle your deliverance.

Matt is patient and very discerning through the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit. He truly goes after roots of specific generational curses. I had great breakthroughs in areas where my prophetic gift was being hindered and I’m very grateful for him and his team. They demonstrate the Fathers heart and that’s hard to find sometimes in the body of Christ. Bless you guys! Thank you for all you do!
My experience was wonderful I have to say, it brought much needed healing and a deeper level of forgiveness. Whether you are heavily genomically oppressed, or not, I highly recommend going through this Deliverance and being sat more free, I am so glad that I did this and look forward to a future session down the road. That is the best, caring and compassionate. So be blessed.
I'm really grateful that I was granted the opportunity to participate in today's Deliverance session. The team was very kind, respectful, and definitely guided by the Holy Spirit throughout the session. I appreciated very much the words the Holy Spirit delivered to me (at the end of the session) thru the ladies who were interceeding. May the Lord keep blessing this important Ministry. Thank you.
Pastor Matt & the team are blessed & gifted to help people get freed from all sorts of bondage & demonic afflictions & torment. This is the real deal!!! God is Love & Jesus is Truth & the Holy Spirit is Perfect!!!! I was heavily afflicted for over 10 years from audible evil to in the body & out of body evil torment... I believe that everyone should go through a session with Pastor Matt & team. They are loving, caring & extremely effective in helping a person under any evil source through the Father the Son & the Holy Spirit. Thank you!

Matt and his team are extremely gifted. They lead me through prayers closing doors using their seer gifting. Many doors were closed that should not have been opened. I left feeling much lighter and free.
Thank You Matt and team.

When I first contacted Rebuilt Ruins Ministries, I was responded with a pure heart for Jesus in Matt Grossmen. I sensed his true care and concern for the body of Christ with no judgment attached. He took the time to speak with me not only by email, but by phone to hear my concerns out.
When I went in for my session, I felt very welcome and safe. The team took time to come together before my session to prepare and pray on my behalf. What love and sacrifice of time this team gives to see the captives set free. They spent hours with me. They were genuine and as desperate as I to get to the root of the problem. It was personal and I am thankful for them. I look forward to being on the other side of breakthrough so that I can be a vessel of love as they have for me.
I have been struggling my whole life with demonic spirits harassing me when I sleep at night. I am a Christian since childhood but had suffered from sexual abuse and trauma. I have been to several churches that helped me heal from a lot of oppression. But I kept having demonic attacks and my thoughts were very dark and obtrusive to cause harm to others or myself.
My friend of many years told me about this ministry. She highly recommended it, so I checked out the YouTube videos then signed up for an appointment.
I did a two day fast to prep for the session with the ministry team. I walked in and said hello to everyone, and I was then brought back to the designated room. I was seated and led into prayer and deliverance. 3 hours later, I was set free. Praise Jesus!!!
I’ve been digging into much needed inner healing for the last 8 years. I became tired of being stuck in the cycle of rejection. I had hands laid on me in prayer, deeper healing with a restorative prayer session, taken classes and done book work on healing, grief and forgiveness with Jesus by my side. All of this brought tremendous healing but something within me still felt stuck. It wasn’t until I went in for a deliverance session that I truly felt the deep healing and pain lift giving me freedom like I had never known before. With the Holy Spirit leading my deliverance team, all fear of what may come up left…I know God is gentle and would never take me to a place He wasn’t with me, or I wasn’t yet ready to face. I would absolutely recommend this. We all need healing

Thank you Lord for never letting me go. It is worth the fight and every victory. Blessings Matt and to your team for your obedience and faithfulness to the Lord.
I had deliverance with Pastor Matt and his deliverance team. Something's I thought was long gone but it was still there. But with what he did, me praying to Jesus. I was freed. I am freed. The past can still haunt your present until you surrender it to Christ. Which I had to do. Now it feels good cause I am free in Jesus name.
I had my first deliverance session today and Jesus helped me so much during our session. There was great healing as I was able to ask Jesus to heal most of the traumatic experiences of my youth individually. I believe the stage has been set for Jesus to work just a few more things and then I can walk in full healing and freedom. I highly recommend as God wants us healed.
My first experience with deliverance with rebuilt ruins matt and his team was amazing I went in there definitely a little anxious and not knowing what to expect but as soon as I walked in I felt peace. The Holy Spirit moved through the whole session. Each session just flew by and didn’t feel forced it just flowed with the Holy Spirit. I felt
Freedom after and authority to stand on the victory that was won through Jesus Christ. I also received beautiful words after by the team of encouragement and prophetic words spoken over my life to encourage and build me up. I would recommend deliverance through rebuilt ruins anytime. Great over experience and you will receive breakthrough in Jesus name!!!

After that deliverance, I felt so free. I was so much in bondage, and I could not see my way out. There were things that I didn’t even know was attached to my spirit man. I thank you Matt and the team for taking the time out to help me to be free in Christ.

Wow, this was amazing. I want to encourage you in taking this step, you will be blessed.
They were so kind and caring, I was able to be open and vulnerable. I felt they ministered to me with love. There was trauma from forty years ago that was healed by Jesus. And there was a person in my lineage that went back to the 700’s, and he was also set free to go and be with Jesus.
Also, the curse breaking, and renunciation is so thorough. I just feel like the heart of this ministry is so focused on caring for the whole person, the spirit soul and body, and it comes through at every detail while they are ministering to you.
I’m so thankful I took this step and the freedom that I now walk in. Thank you so much, RRM!
I’ve been a Christian for most of my life the past 15 years, I walked very closely. I graduated from global awakening, but I knew there are areas in my life that I still was not free. My father and grandfather on both sides were freemasons, and my grandmother was an eastern star. I knew they were strongholds in my life, but I didn’t know the depth. After Matt and his team did a deliverance session. My body feels lighter. My brain feels totally clear, and I feel like something literally came out of my body. They are very thorough and extremely compassionate. If you feel in your heart that there’s something in your life that’s holding you back from everything God has for you I highly suggest that you book a session.
I have spent over 100K on counseling, inner healing, sozo, prophetic heart healing, Elijah House. And more. I was not sure about today's appointment. I thought it was like everything else I have been through. Deliverance has become business. Some ministries charge upfront up to 250.00 a session, without results.
This ministry was different. Money was never a factor. From day one I contacted got on email list received immediate care and attention. Gentle lowing intercessors accompany the session. And going through the questions step by step clarified every single issue an event. As much as 7-10 demons was cast out including religious demons. halelujia praise God. Care email was sent right away. Rebuilt Ruins Ministries finally got it. Thank you!

My experience:
Spirit led thorough examination of somebody’s condition regarding demonic influence in body and soul; with all the love, authority and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ, leading to complete freedom of the person.
My experience was incredible! Whatever evil tormenting me came out. Halfway through I saw Jesus as the Pastor with His long brown hair and beautiful light brown eyes, full of compassion. Final stage, I threw up a lot to purge them out, and felt relieved and light. Team went back generations, and I didn’t know these evil spirits have names, all sounded Ancient and almost Arabic. I was suffering from a female robotic voice on my chest that would wake me up while I was asleep and deliberately interrupt. At times it’s a deep, male voice like a Capricorn. This manifestation started after taking Covid vaccine. I was also a victim of witchcraft. I felt lighter inside when those spirits left, and I felt taller after the process. Thank you Rebuilt Ruins Ministries!
Wowww!!! Powerful! I just got out of my session a bit ago, & I'm blown away by the freedom I experienced in this one session!
I have had people pray for me before but this was different in that if you have something tormenting you, afflicting you causing you conflict in your life, this is a great way to deal with it.
I did not know that I carried so much weight, I've gone to church, prayed, worshipped & was stunned when I had stuff cast out me, from even generations past! Matt & his team allowed me freedom to feel very comfortable and safe in obtaining my freedom.
I'm truly grateful for Matt and the ministry God has called him to, to set the captives free!
Please do not be afraid to take the steps to reach out to Matt to have a session, it will truly set you Free!
I am so thankful for this session. Matt and his team helped me release attachments to my past that has been tormenting my mind and heart. I praise the Lord for guiding Matt to get rid of the demons inside me, that were put by witchcraft. At first, I thought my stomach was hurting because of nerves, but suddenly I realized the pain was due to witchcraft set on me by food that I ate. The pain got worst when the team tried to expelled the bad spirits of my body. Thanks to them and the Lord, I felt free of pain in the stomach, mind and heart. Amen, the Holly Spirit breaked the witchcraft being done to me. At the end, I was able to see a white light. The most beautiful thing I have experienced, bringing me love and joy to my heart. Thank you God for loving me and putting me with the right people to help me. 🥰🙏🙌

I was blessed to experience a very powerful freedom deliverance today from Pastor Matt and his team. The space felt safe, and I was given clear instructions for each step in the process to free me from evil and negative attachments. I was able to feel fire in my body and feel a jezebel spirit leave my system along with soul ties that were unhealthy for my spirit. I was forgiven and felt the Holy Spirit present in forgiving me for my past suicide attempt and trauma. I could see and feel the presence of Jesus and was reassured that I am never alone. I left feeling remarkably blessed and whole in my body and eager to see what God works through me in the coming days as I'm in search of my highest calling to serve His kingdom. I am deeply grateful and will never forget today

Most of my life I lived in terrible fear, depression, oppression and much confusion, always fighting against my own thoughts, during this deliverance session with pastor Matt and his team, the Holy Spirit broke all chains of witch craft, and things that I wasn’t even aware of. Now it all makes sense to me why I always felt like I lived in bondage, but ever since my deliverance I can assure you all that I feel free and light as a feather, the Holy Spirit has revealed so many things to me, it’s as easy as not listening to the enemies lies, I am a child of the most loving and powerful God and nothing can come against me 🙏 my advice if you feel any type of bondage get delivered asap, build a deeper relationship with our creator everyday by reading the word and staying in daily prayer. Get ready to feel so much love from our amazing GOD🙏
I want to personally thank Pastor Matt, and his team. My experience was powerful and safe and good. I felt the heavens open up. Oppressed by heavy spirit of anxiety and severe depression) Diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, bipolar which was misdiagnosis a tool of the enemy satan to keep me down. That day I felt a shift. Thank you for their persistence I am able to feel more freedom and walk in a more abundant life that God wants for me. I am grateful for this ministry. Looking forward to another session as God opens up the door for me. I've been off medication for 8 months, Only take something to sleep, I know Its Jesus who heals by His Blood, eventually I will not need anything for sleep. I just want to give God thanks now for healing and freedom, through your servants that you used to break generational curses strongholds demonic entities. (with love your sister in Christ Jesus)
The deliverance team did an amazing job at making me feel completely comfortable to share my life with them and all my darkest struggles. I had struggled with many things including: depression, suicidal thoughts and suicidal attempt, anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD, nightmares, sexual immorality, pornography, extreme anger and rage, jealousy/envy, hate and bitterness. I have also exposed myself to witchcraft by briefly believing in a taro card reading video I saw online, believing in zodiac signs, practicing yoga, and allowing a reiki instructor “sense my energy”. A lot of these witchcraft things did not seem like witchcraft in the moment and most of them I didn’t seek out, but they sought after me and were just brief moments of my life however that was enough for the door to be opened. I also was exposed to witchcraft through my mom going to psychics and asking about my life at times. I did not know what to expect in this deliverance session and a part of me did not want to go but now that I had gone I could not be happier! I was delivered of jezebel, leviathan and others! I felt a release off my shoulders towards the end and I am more than happy that I had gone to a deliverance session.

Omgoodness I thought one way about myself. And now after today I identify myself as I am enough, I matter. This session was incredibly life changing and how now my relationship with God will skyrocket. Wow I’m excited again about life.
I’m so grateful for the session, and all the energy this team puts out. You become very aware of the voices in your head and see how to separate what’s legit and what’s not. I feel a dark weightlifting off. Matt is wonderful 🙏😀. Thanks to all 3 of you
Praise the Lord for Pastor Matt and his ministry. Spiritual warfare is real but greater is He that’s in me than he that’s of this world. Went in and was delivered from a witchcraft assignment, and left feeling better and lighter. Thankful & grateful 🙏🏻
Ive been a believer for 6 years. Trama from a very young age was a big part of my life. I never knew any different. My dad raised me. He was a drug user, alcoholic and a women beater. I was sent to church as a punishment when I became rebellious at a young age. I remember seeing the fake and phonyness of those to claim they were "christians". I hated the church and its people. I wanted nothing to do with the church. But I always believed in Jesus inside my heart. I never believed in being prayed over or the power of being healed and ESPECIALLY having any kind of demon cast out of someone.
I came to the Lord when I was desperate and at my lowest with my addiction. One night I cried out like never before in my bedroom. He heard me. And then my journey began. I still hated the church until the Lord started tugging at my husband to find a church. We went. I sat there and analyzed everyone. To my surprise everyone loved on us. We became part of a homegroup. We started connecting with the body of Christ. Prior to all of this, I've had deep demonic attacks at night. I can feel hands choke me. I can feel my body being lifted up from my bed. I can feel the stabbing. It was terrible. I knew they were demons. I was always embarrassed to say it to anyone. So, I would keep it to myself. I thought I was crazy. One night at homegroup our pastor said Matt had a word something about sleep and anxiety. My heart dropped. I KNEW that was for me. When I eventually made it over there to get prayed for, I had a peace come over me but I knew I needed more then just one prayer. I ended up having a session with Matt and two other intercessors. Oh man! The Lord moved in such a powerful way!
I was blown away! What I thought deep, deep, down inside of my heart that this stuff was not real..the Lord proved me WRONG! These demonic spirits that have been harassing me for years came out! My experience was intense but once these demonic forces were cast off I felt heaviness lift off my body. A peace swept over me like never before. I have never experienced such an experience like I did on the day I was delivered. These demonic forces are real. But the blood of the Lamb overcame it all. I can not explain in words what freedom I feel ! I HAVE BEEN SET FREE BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB!! Never under estimate what power is in the name of Jesus! I thank the Lord for Matt and his team. The Lord uses this man of God in such deep ways. There is freedom in Christ! Freedom is REAL! In Jesus Name!

The Rebuilt Ruins Ministry has been a tremendous blessing to me. I am grateful to the team and pastor for the time they have dedicated to counseling me. I was not sure I could trust anyone with my story. Being able to share it with you has helped me tremendously. I am so grateful to have been able to attend my deliverance appointment and to have been able to feel and experience how God removed things that were rooted directly in my DNA. The power of God removed a huge stake that was preventing me from moving towards absolute freedom. Before starting my appointment, I was a little nervous because I did not know what would happen, but when I entered the room, I felt a peace like I had never felt before and that gave me great confidence that I was in the right time, place, and moment for my deliverance. I am a new person since that day. My story can probably help others make the decision and experience God's power in their lives.